October 2024 General Meeting Minutes
Jackie and P.J. are potential new members. Ross is scheduling a rat-proofing project before mid-November. A $20 budget was allocated for the October Music Event. $150 was approved for a ladder, $35 for LED lights, and $90 for Rochelle's peonies. The current executive body was re-elected.
September 2024 General Meeting Minutes
The scaffolding has been removed, and donations totaling $2,000 have been received. A $500 donation is still pending. The garden adopted new chat room policies and approved expenses for upcoming events. Speaker stands will be purchased, and a decision on a folding ladder was postponed.
August 2024 General Meeting Minutes
Up to $52 was approved for mosquito repellent. August's music event will have a $60 budget for food and supplies. September's music event is set for the 28th. A motion for an electronic lock was tabled. Ross’s fan purchase was rejected. Bartosz’s resignation was accepted with conditions for return.
July 2024 General Meeting Minutes
Jas was approved as a full member and Membership Committee head. A $40 tip jar purchase was approved, and the August music event set for the 17th. Ross was reimbursed $15 for lights and nets. Discussions on a hydrant hookup, rat-proofing, and an electronic lock were held.
June 2024 General Meeting Minutes
The $900 budget for non-discretionary spending was approved. Garden hours updated. July music event set for the third Saturday. Equipment and projects like rain barrel netting, hydrant hookup, and rat-proofing were discussed and passed. Evan was accepted as a new member.